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Hebrew Care

The Original Chocolate Acne Bar Soap

Regular price $16.00 USD
Regular price $17.50 USD Sale price $16.00 USD
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When it comes to The Original Chocolate Acne Bar soap we have undeniable results. Others have imitated our Chocolate Acne Bar Soap but our results cannot be duplicated. With ingredients like Colloidal Silver, Chocolate and honey from our very own bee farm we've created a recipe that has helped our clients get rid of their painful and embarrassing acne and within weeks. This soap dries up acne, fight itchiness. soap. 

Active Ingredients:

This soap contains pure organic chocolate, organic steel oats, organic coffee, beeswax from our King family Royal honey, Colloidal Silver, honey, essential oils, and more to help in the healing of your face and body.


  • Shower, or wet your face with warm water
  • Lather your hands with the Acne soap
  • Apply the soap to your face using the circular motion. 
  • Let sit for 60 seconds or more
  • Rinse your face with warm water.
  • Repeat daily


See the amazing results for yourself!